I asked my tech support how I should go about getting a place where I could let everyone know who, what, where, how and why I am starting a cake business. This was the recommended avenue.
So here goes.
I will try to post pictures and ideas I have. It will also be for anyone wanting to get more information on what I do.....It is sometimes hard to explain details and I am sure I give lots of different information. I want to have a standard definition for questions asked.
After this post I will rewind a bit to give some background on where I began and where I (We) are today.
Just a note to everyone......I have not done this alone....First off I have a very sweet husband (Jerry) that supports and joins me in all aspects of the business...He is learning right along with me...Thanks sweeti :) could not do it withour you. Kristi is another very important part....she is a fast learner and has good ideas...Glad you are a part :)....Jeremiah thanks for working so hard so Kristi is able to be apart... Shawn you are great at helping with the technical aspects (I think that is the right word for what you do).... Eric thanks for the tech side of the internet and great ideas for start up... Summer thanks for helping in crunch times. You learn fast..... And to the rest of my Family thanks for the support.... Oh! and can not forget to mention Aubri and Esben....you make me smile and you both love the taste testing :)
I look forward to having a family business. I love my family. :)